"This little light of mine...."

Saturday, May 7, 2011

May 31st

We had another doctor's appointment today. Lucy is a little over 35 weeks, measuring pretty small, heart is still the same, although we had a few weird things going on with her heartbeat today. Her kidneys are still a concern, as are the unknowns about her lungs, still watching the fluid collection (hydrops) but our baby girl is still hanging on.

I was sad after the ultrasound because we didnt get a 3d peek at our baby. We had a new tech, and she seemed a bit nervous (I think she assumed we didnt know about everything she was seeing in her scan already). So a doctor would walk in, they would whisper, they'd walk out, tech would come back, another doctor in, more whispering, hand me a towel to dry off my goopy belly and then more whispering, walking out, doctor walks in, "OK Mr and Mrs Montoya, we are just seeing more of the same, your exam room is ready now." (insert smile and head tilt and off we go to our exam room.)

So here is a call for all of our prayer warriors.

Lucy and I have an induction date, May 31st. Please please please (please please) pray for Lucy. Pray for her to make it to this date. We want so badly to meet our precious baby girl, my tiny dancer, and hold her in our arms. I want to breathe her in and gaze into her eyes. I want her to meet her big brother and sister.  I want that image of this tiny baby cradled in her daddy's hands for that very first time. I want to see her squirms and wiggles and kicks, and catch a vision of what I have been feeling for months. I want her little hands wrapped around my pinky. I want to memorize every part of her tiny being. I want to brush through her wavy dark hair and kiss those adorable chubby cheeks we've been peeking at for months.

During the time that the doctor was talking to us about inducing @ 39 weeks, I froze. It made it all seem so final. Lucy is not going to be safely placed away in my womb forever, we are going to have to "deal".  It was at that moment, something that one of the beautiful girls in our Care Group said this week during our study was singing to my heart. She echoed a portion of our current Beth Moore Study and said, God gave us in our flesh the blessing of motherhood and children so we could catch a glimpse of how much He loves us. I LOVE Lucia SO much. I love the things I know of her already.  I love how she calms when I sway back and forth. How she dances around when she hears her siblings or her daddy nearby. And how she's a little shy with others. She likes fruit, and juice, and the smell of peppermint. She's a night owl. She shares my love for good music! She shares Sophia's sweet smile. She has a big heart, she has lots of things that make her special, some things that keep doctors on their toes. My Lucy is going to make her entrance into this world memorable. My Lucy, I love her more than I could ever express. I love her so much when I think of all the things I could potentially miss about her growing up, I ache. I love her so much that I would trade places with her in a heartbeat. And the part that kept echoing to me during this office visit is...

GOD loves me, he loves all of us, more than THAT! 

He loves me so much that HE doesnt leave my side during this or any other time in my life. 
He loves me so much that HE has blessed me with peace in a way that does not make any sense.
He loves me so much that HE chose me to be a mom to Lucy Sophie and Dom, to care for HIS precious gifts.

He loves me so much that HE watched HIS son die on a cross.

We ask everyone to join us in our prayerful countdown to Lucy's arrival. Gather your prayer friends and your prayer warriors and please share. Please pray over the timing. Please pray over Lucia's tiny body and her big beautiful heart. Please pray over the doctors (Doctor Kase, Doctor Monga, and any other doctors involved in her arrival). Please pray over the staff, please pray for peace concerning Lucy with my family (My mom, my sisters Delia and Edna, Eric's Parents Mirtha and Beto, his siblings Debbie Elda Mark and Josh), please pray for understanding with our kids of whatever is to come... Please pray for everyone who reads our prayer for our daughter to know, no matter what happens with Lucia Faith, His love endures forever. 

"The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; His love endures forever." Psalm 138:8


  1. Praying for you, Miss Lucy, and the rest of family! Let us know if you need anything.

  2. Our family is praying for you Little Princess Lucy and the rest of your family!
