"This little light of mine...."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Things We Can Learn From Our Kids

Jr. Camera-Man, Dominic @ March for Babies

If my children remember anything of their childhood when they are all grown up, they will remember we went ALL OUT for birthdays. I love celebrating my babies! One year, Dominic wanted to keep his decorations up all month... we went even further and kept them up for about until Christmas (over 6 months!). When Dom was one, we coined the term, Domapalooza. Domapalooza happens in stages. There is the Classroom Party, the Family Birthday Dinner (With Aunt Dee Dee, Grandma and Tia 'Nita), the ACTUAL Birthday Party, the Dominic's-Day-of-Fun-on-his-Birthday-Day, and then usually a little something extra with just Mom, Dad, Sophie (and baby Lucia).  

I love celebrating these kids, because it is just as much a celebration for us as it is for them. We celebrate the fact that we were chosen as parents, that these children are gifts from God, that they are more precious than any other achievement, and well, we REALLY like birthday cake! 

I've written before about Dominic being an extra special kid. And this year's birthday, he amazed me once again. Dominic chose to celebrate his birthday-day @ Chic Fil A to support Tyson vs. Cancer, an event put on for a member of our church who is battling cancer. He figured if everyone was going to get together for dinner on his birthday, we should go have dinner at Chic Fil A to contribute to this fundraiser. We had a great time, great company, great memories and great music. (And Sophie and I made off with a basket full of hair bows from an auction item!!)

I think the most special moment we shared at the event was when Lucy started rockin' out and Dominic felt her in my tummy. His eyes were so wide, and I smiled inside and out to picture my baby boy dancing with his little sister on his birthday. What a glorious moment!

My kiddo's got a big heart, and I am so happy that he is learning the importance of supporting genuine causes and helping others. I think this year, MOMMY received the biggest and best gift of all! 

1 comment:

  1. He's such a sweetheart! I'm glad he had another great Domapalooza.
