"This little light of mine...."

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lucia "Lucy" Faith Montoya

January 21, 2011 With our increasingly tough news, Eric and I decided our baby girl needs a name, NOW. We want to pray specifically for our little girl. We wanted to personalize whatever time we do have with her, and while feeling all these bumps and kicks and swooshes, I was having vague conversations with my "tiny dancer", my "twinkle toes"... yes, she needs a name. Lucia: meaning "Light", Before we knew of anything going on with Lucy, I would hum/sing to her "This little light of mine" by Addison Road. Its just a sweet song that I love dearly and it would calm me in the early hours of the morning when I would lie awake daydreaming of our baby and what this new addition brings to our family. Now that we know Lucia is faced with all these obstacles to get here, I picture her light, in her big beaming heart, shining, some times brighter than others, but even just a flicker of light means she is still with us, means that GOD is still and always with us. Faith: meaning "believe and trust in God", I can tell you and speak for Eric as well that our faith is what is getting us through this. Our faith in God, in His purpose for Lucia, our faith in the word of God, our faith that He chose her for us, and our faith that He will get us through whatever comes our way. We call her Lucy. This is Daddy's name for her. Lucy fits our family like a glove. Dommy, Sophie, and our tiny dancer, Lucy. Now when we see her face in our 3D ultrasound scans, we see our Lucy, we see her light. We see our Faith. Yes we see a tiny baby whose heart is sick, we are not blind to that, but her toes-they wiggle, and her hands- they punch, and her legs- they kick and her light- it shines bright!

1 comment:

  1. This brings tears to my eyes. I will be getting on my knees tonight praying for her and your family.
