"This little light of mine...."

Saturday, April 30, 2011

March of Dimes Walk 2011

What an action packed weekend so far! We are so grateful for our family that traveled here from their busy lives to be part of team Lucy's Light tomorrow. We are so thankful for our team and everyone who contributed! We have raised around $6,750 for March of Dimes and couldn't feel any more accomplished for our first year!! Please pray for each and every family and each and every baby represented at the walk tomorrow... I will post photos and an update following the event! Oh, and photos of domapalooza 8 to come soon :) (happy birthday Dominic! Mommy loves you so so much!)


  1. awww Happy Late Birthday Dommy!!!!

  2. It was so very nice to get to meet you yesterday!

  3. Thank you for allowing so many people to be a part of Lucy's journey. My family was privileged to wear our Lucy's Light shirts yesterday.
